Each month you will receive one large bouquet, approximately 25-34 stems, of beautiful fresh cut flowers, with lush seasonal greenery. Each delivery will include a gorgeous vase free of charge to display your beautiful flowers in.
Each season has magnificent flowers. The first hint of spring reveals magical narcissus and lovely tulips in amazing colors. As the heat of summer arrives so do fragrant rose-lilies, ruffled garden roses, and warm-weather lovers such as old-fashioned zinnias, snapdragons,
Your flowers will be based on seasonal market availability. Crisp autumn air is highlighted by the textural elements of grasses and pods; sunflowers are paired with Amaranthus and cattails. Christmas time is celebrated with the scent of fresh evergreen and bright red berries. Flower lovers can indulge in the earth's bounty, enjoying each bloom at its peak.
(All Images are examples.)